Equitech 2R
The Son of Q. Featuring a large, specially-designed Equi=Tech balanced power transformer, the 2R splits 120v into one 60v leg and one phase inverted 60v leg. The two legs are reassembled without any artifacts through special outlets on the unit. The results range from better dynamics to improved stereo imaging.
With two legs at an equal 180 degree difference, the effect created is Common Mode Rejection and cancels the differences between legs such as noise, hums, ground loops and other unwanted distortions that may affect your work. Plug your components in as before using the 2R and you’ll enjoy 100% balanced power of cleaner, pure 60Hz sine wave power.
The 2R is a level one performance option that allows a customer to provide a clean, balanced power infrastucture, at an affordable price.
The model 2RQ is Equi=Tech’s flagship rack mounted balanced power system, delivering virtually 99% quiet, uninterrupted performance. The 2RQ simply cleans up incoming power to give your system the purest, most distortion-free result possible. The model 2R provides equally unparalleled sound quality and outcome, however, the 2R doesn’t include enhanced features and upgraded components such as switches, digital readout, and the patented LoNo technology contained within the 2RQ transformer which additionally produces an extraordinarily silent environmental output. Differences aside, both rack systems are maintenance-free, bullet-proof, and well worth the investment.
120V 60Hz Input and Output
16.25”W x 14”D x 3.5”H
63 lbs
28 kg
All units ship with rack ears.