Millennia Media NSEQ-2
Full Timbral Control, Total Signal Integrity
- Two paths to perfection with Twin Topology™
- Fully parametric stereo EQ with unprecedented sonic purity
& integrity - All triode 300 V vacuum tube signal path or…
- All discrete J-FET solid state signal path
- Both topologies are entirely transformerless, high voltage,
pure Class A - Minimalist design: only one active stage in the audio path
- Four EQ bands: 20 Hz to 20 kHz center frequency, 0.4 to
4.0 Q - Extremely low noise: -106 dBu
- Constructed for demanding professional applications
- Ultra-Premium components throughout
- Gold relays, connectors, switches, tube sockets
- Silver Teflon power wiring
- Mogami Neglex OFC audio wiring
Options (Inquire when purchasing):
- Detented, loggable controls
- Musically rich vintage vacuum tubes