Sontronics Omni Capsule – Omnidirectional Capsule for the STC-1(S)
The Sontronics Omni Capsule is a screw-on omnidirectional capsule for the Sontronics STC-1(S) pencil condenser microphone-available in black or silver.
Why buy the same microphone three (or six) times to get different polar pickup patterns when you can simply add an Omni Capsule to your Sontronics STC-1 or STC-1S stereo pair (hence three or six). Simply unscrew the cardioid capsule that comes with the STC-1, replace it with the Omni Capsule and now you have the same stellar sound of the Sontronics STC-1 small-diaphragm condenser on without the problems of proximity effect and benefits of putting the listener in the room with the performance.
Sontronics Omni Capsule-Just the Facts:
- Interchangeable capsule for Sontronics STC-1 and STC-1S microphones
- Omnidirectional polar pattern
- Available in silver or black
- Covered by a lifetime warranty
Sontronics Omni Capsule-Behind the Grille
The cardioid capsule head that comes as standard with our STC-1 and STC-1S pencil mics can be easily unscrewed and interchanged with these optional Omni (omnidirectional) and Hyper (hypercardioid) capsules, essentially giving you three mics instead of one (or, in the case of the STC-1S stereo pair*, six mics instead of two!).
The omnidirectional Omni capsule is designed to completely open up the area of sound that the STC-1 or STC-1S can pick up. This allows you to position the mic higher up or further away from the recorded source than you would do if in its cardioid version. It also turns the STC-1S pair into an outstanding overhead or room mic, to be used on its own or as an additional tool that can be mixed in with other more closely positioned microphones.
Sontronics Omni Capsule applications:
- Overhead and room miking
- Piano
- Choir
- String/brass/wind ensemble
- Drum kit
Like all Sontronics microphones, the Omni and Hyper capsules are covered by Sontronics’ lifetime warranty.
*The capsules are also compatible with the Sontronics STC-1S matched pair, although with the Omni capsule fitted, the microphones are no longer classed as ‘matched’.
PAD Tech Tip–While cardioid is the most used polar pattern in recording, the omni pattern is the most overlooked-and it shouldn’t be. Unlike cardioid, omni polar patterns are not susceptible to proximity effect, which means you don’t have to deal with increasing and decreasing low mids on a vocal track when a singer uses mic technique (moving back and forth to control level). Since omni mics pick up in all directions, they’re great for adding “being there” sense of sound in reality space to your recordings. On the other hand, while a stereo A-B pair of cardioid overheads will define the left and right “sides” of a drum kit, an omni pair will give you the sense of the kit in the room. Another place cardioid supplanted the omni pattern (where it shouldn’t have) is in M-S (mid-side) stereo recording. The idea was to combine the cardioid center image with the beautifully flat response of a figure-8 microphone, which provided the left and right sides. However, when the technique was invented, the idea was when collapsed to mono, you still got the whole picture with an omni center mic, whereas the cardioid would only give you the center image with the dull off-axis response of the cardioid.
What the pros are saying about Sontronics STC-1 capsules
–Indispensable for any STC-1 user . . . they are amazing! – Jake D (studio owner-engineer-producer)
–We were already getting fantastic results from our STC-1 mics, both live and in the studio, but with the addition of the Hyper and Omni capsules, we could do so much more with them. They sound amazing! – David Prior (Falmouth University)
–When recording London Contemporary Voices in a Shoreditch church recently, we did the whole thing using an STC-1S above the choir and a single STC-1 with OMNI capsule up high at the back of the church. The sound was absolutely incredible-no one could believe it came from three such small microphones! – Charlie Allen (Naked Noise Productions)
The Sontronics Omni Capsule saves you from buying additional microphones, adding greater versatility and flexibility to the great sound of the STC-1 microphone. Order yours today. For more information, call or chat online with your PAD Studio Specialist today.
- Polar pattern: Omnidirectional (Omni)
- Colors available: silver or black
- Dimensions (Omni): 7/8″ x 7/8″ x 1/2″ (22 x 22 x 13mm)
- Weight: 0.7 oz. (21g)